U Weekly 优1周 (47)

20 July 2015 Issue 502: Chicken Recipes 鸡肉食谱
Pan-Fried Chicken with Tri-Sauce 三杯酱爆樱花鸡 (Part 1)
Double-boiled Chicken with Three Treasure 干贝虫草花胶鸡汤 (Part 2)
Simmered Chicken Thigh in Chinese Herbal Soup 药材鸡肉卷 (Part 3)
Jia Wei Signature Chicken Bun 家味鸡肉包 (Part 4)
Jia Wei Kampung Chicken in Gui Fei Marinade 彩凤贵妃鸡 (Part 5)

13 July 2015 Issue 501: Chindian Cuisine Recipes 中印料理食谱
Chicken Tikka 烤鸡肉串 (Part 1)
Goan Fish Curry 果阿咖喱鱼 (Part 2)
Chilli Garlic Noodle 辣椒香蒜炒面 (Part 3)
Salt & Pepper Baby Corn 椒盐玉米笋 (Part 4)
Lychee Kulfi 荔枝雪糕 (Part 5)

22 June 2015 Issue 498: Regional Cuisine Recipes 地方菜食谱
Ginger Fried Hard Clam 姜葱炒啦啦 (Part 1)
Fried Marble Goby in Seasoned Soy Sauce 油浸笋壳 (Part 2)
Sichuan Spicy Chicken 辣子鸡 (Part 3)
Chilli Crab 辣椒螃蟹 (Part 4)
Braised Pork Belly 东坡肉 (Part 5)

24 March 2014 Issue 433: Salmon Recipes 三文鱼食谱
Salmon Fried Rice with Rice Cake 三文鱼鸳鸯炒饭 (Part 1)
Rolled Salmon with Australian Scallop 烟熏三文鱼带子卷 (Part 2)
Baked Salmon with Honey Yakitori Sauce 酱烧三文鱼 (Part 3)
Deep-fried Salmon served with Spicy Lime Sauce 西施三文鱼腩 (Part 4)
Baked Smoked Salmon and Cod with Macadamia Nuts 坚果双鱼 (Part 5)

17 March 2014 Issue 432: Cheese Recipes 芝士食谱
Pan-fried Cheese French Toast 芝士西多士 (Part 1)
Baked Chicken Rice with Cheese 芝士焗鸡饭 (Part 2)
Cheese with Eggplant 芝士茄瓜 (Part 3)
Pork Parmesan 芝士炸猪扒 (Part 4)
Potato Cheese Soup 马铃薯芝士浓汤 (Part 5)

10 March 2014 Issue 431: Prawn and Lobster Recipes 虾与龙虾食谱
Spicy Crawfish 麻辣小龙虾 (Part 1)
Minced Garlic on Prawns 蒜蓉开边虾 (Part 2)
Herbal Prawns 药材虾 (Part 3)
Lobster Porridge 龙虾粥 (Part 4)
Deep-Fried Prawn Balls 吉利炸虾球 (Part 5)

3 March 2014 Issue 430: Asparagus Recipes 芦笋食谱
Asparagus Panna Cotta 芦笋奶冻 (Part 1)
Pan-Grilled Asparagus 锅烤芦笋 (Part 4)
Chicken Roulade with Asparagus 芦笋鸡肉卷 (Part 5)

29 July 2013 Issue 399: 7 Rice Recipes 7道米饭食谱
Pumpkin and Mushroom Rice 金瓜香菇饭 (Part 1)
Leek and Prawn Paste Fried Rice 韭黄虾酱炒饭 (Part 2)
Diced Chicken and Mushroom Rice 鸡粒香菇饭 (Part 3)
Omelette Tomato Rice 蛋包番茄饭 (Part 4)
Olive Fried Rice 橄榄香饭 (Part 5)
Luxurious Assorted Rice 豪华什锦烩饭 (Part 6)
Squid Ink Seafood Rice 黑墨海鲜饭 (Part 7)

22 July 2013 Issue 398: 7 Japanese Cuisine Recipes 7道日式料理食谱
Double Salmon Maki 双倍三文鱼寿司 (Part 1)
Fried Bean Curd Skin wrapped with Eel and Lady Finger 鳗鱼羊角豆腐皮卷 (Part 2)
Century Egg Tofu 皮蛋豆腐 (Part 3)
Simmered Snapper Head with Japanese Sweet Sauce 日式甜酱焖鲷鱼 (Part 4)
Pan-fried Diced Beef with Onion Sauce 洋葱煎牛肉块 (Part 5)
Grilled Cheese Potato with Spicy Cod Roe Mayonnaise 芝士马铃薯烧 (Part 6)
Boiled Slice Cod Fish and Vegetables in Hot Pot 鳕鱼蔬菜火锅 (Part 7)

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